Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pray for the church

This from Jonathan Edwards, via Ray Ortlund . . .

“If we look through the whole Bible and observe all the examples of prayer that we find there recorded, we shall not find so many prayers for any other mercy as for the deliverance, restoration and prosperity of the church and the advancement of God’s glory and kingdom of grace in the world. . . . The Scripture does not only abundantly manifest it to be the duty of God’s people to be much in prayer for this great mercy, but it also abounds with manifold considerations to encourage them in it and animate them with hopes of success. There is perhaps no one thing that the Bible so much promises, in order the encourage the faith, hope and prayers of the saints, as this . . . . For undoubtedly that which God abundantly makes the subject of his promises, God’s people should abundantly make the subject of their prayers. It also affords them the strongest assurances that their prayers shall be successful.”

Jonathan Edwards, Works (Edinburgh, 1979), II:291.

How often do we pray for ourselves, and how our individual wants, and how often do we pray for our communities? I am reminded that Paul's confidence that God, "who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus," (Phil 1:6) is for the whole church in Phillipi . . .


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Son-B said...

Well. What you said there reminded me why I stopped praying, or slowed considerably down, in the first place.
How does one pray? Really? Selfish needs and weakness is allways the main theams.

On the other hand, prayer is something that is misunderstood. It helps more than people think.

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